
Here you can find information on most of the colors english angoras can come in. I have them broken down into one of two chatagories. Recognized colors in the ARBA Standard of Perfection that can be shown. And colors that are not recognized and therefor cannot be shown, but still make wonderful pets, fiber animals, therapy animals, or class pets. Genetic codes corrosponding to each color are listed in each description box. 

Standardized Colors

Eye Colors

Rabbits can have one of five eye colors per ARBA standards. Pink, Blue, Blue grey, Brown, and Marbled. Eye color depends on body color.

Pink eyes should have a pink iris and red pupil. Pointed whites and REWs should always have Pink eyes.

Blue eyes are a result of the Vienna Gene. Two copies of the Vienna gene create a BEW. Blue eyes should have a bright blue iris, and a black pupil. 

Blue Gray eyes have cool grey iris with black pupils. Any blue based or lilac based color should have blue gray eyes. 

Brown eyes are the most common colored eyes. The iris is a rich, dark brown color, with black pupils

Marble eyes are a combination of brown and blue grey, with the colors mottled together in the irsi. Pupils are to be black. 

White Class

Angoras are show in one of two color groups: White, and Colored. the White group includes the following:

Pointed White: pointed white rabbits are pure white with markings on the nose, ears, feet, and tail. The markings can be black, blue, chocolate, or lilac. nails should be colored and eyes should be pink. aa??????E?VV

Blue eye White: Pure white rabbit with bright blue eyes, with white nails. ??????????vv

Ruby eye White: Pure white rabbit with pink eyes, with white nails. Genetic code ????cc??????

Agouti Group

all agouti colors have one major trait in common. They should all be banded and ticked. Ears are ticked with darker colors. White or tan markings are on eye circles, inside the ears, at the nape of the neck, nostrils, under the jaw, belly, and underside of the tail. the belly may or may not have colored undercoat or lap spots. 

Chinchilla: surface color is a blend of medium slate and pearl, ticked with black tipped gaurd hairs. The bands should be pearl, alternating with blue-gray, with a blue-gray undercolor. Eyes can be blue gray, brown, or marbled. Genetic Code: A?B?cchd?D?E?VV

Chocolate Chinchilla: surface color is a blend of chocolate and pearl, ticked with chocolate tipped gaurd hairs. The bands should be pearl, alternating with light chocolate, with a dove-gray undercolor. Eyes can be blue-gray, brown, or marbled Genetic Code: A?bbcchd?D?E?VV

Lilac Chinchilla: surface color is a blend of lilac and pearl, ticked with lilac tipped gaurd hairs. The bands should be pearl, alternating with light lilac, with a light lilac undercolor. Eyes are blue-gray. Genetic Code: A?bbcchd?ddE?VV

Squirrel: surface color is a blend of blue and pearl, ticked with blue tipped gaurd hairs. The bands should be pearl, alternating with light blue, with a light blue undercolor. Eyes are blue-gray. Genetic Code: A?B?cchd?D?E?VV

Chestnut: surface color is rich chestnut, ticked with black tipped gaurd hairs. The bands should be tan alternating with slate, with a bluegray undercolor. Eyes are brown. Genetic Code: A?B?C?D?E?VV

Chocolate Agouti: surface color is rich chestnut, ticked with Chocolate tipped gaurd hairs. The bands should be tan alternating with light chocolate, with a dovegray undercolor. Eyes are brown. Genetic Code: A?bbC?D?E?VV

Copper: surface color is rufus red, ticked with black tipped gaurd hairs. The bands should be tan alternating with bright red-orange and dark slate, with a slate undercolor. Eyes are brown. Genetic Code: A?B?C?D?E?VV

Lynx: surface color is light tan, ticked with lilac tipped gaurd hairs. The bands should be light tan alternating light lilac, with a light lilac undercolor. Eyes are blue-gray. Genetic Code: A?bbC?ddE?VV

Opal: surface color is blue , ticked with blue tipped gaurd hairs. The bands should be tan alternating with shades of blue, with a light blue undercolor. Eyes are blue-gray.Genetic Code: A?B?C?ddE?VV


The self group are all solid colors. English angoras are uniquie in that the fur is two distictive colors even in selfs. the regular fur and guard hairs are going to be a richer, more solid color, where the wool is lighter, fading as it gets closer to the skin. The self colors are the base colors on all other colors as well. 

Black: gaurd hairs and normal fur are jet black. Wool is to be dark slate, fading towards the skin. Eyes are brown. Genetic code: aaB?C?D?E?VV

Blue: gaurd hairs and normal fur are rich dark blue. Wool is to be slightly lighter, fading towards the skin. Eyes are blue-gray. Genetic code: aaB?C?ddE?VV

Chocolate: gaurd hairs and normal fur are rich dark chocolate. Wool is to be slightly lighter, fading towards the skin.Eyes are brown. Genetic code: aabbC?D?E?VV

Lilac: gaurd hairs and normal fur are pinkish dove gray. Wool is to be slightly lighter, fading towards the skin. Eyes are blue-gray. Genetic code: aabbC?ddE?VV


The Shaded colors all share a few common traits. They all have darker color on the mask, tail, ears, and feet. The color should fade smoothly into the color covering the rest of the body. Toenails should be colored and eyes should match the base colors.

Pearl: light or dark marking color of self colors or sable on mask, ears, feet, and tail, fading to a pearl or very light body color. Undercolor is white. Eyes to correspond to base color. aaB?cchl?D?eeVV

Sable: gaurd hairs over back and normal furred areas should be a rich sepia brown. Wool on head, ears, feed, top of tail, and back is a medium sepia color, shading to a lighter shade on chest, flanks, and belly. Eyes to be brown. Genetic code: aaB?cchl?D?E?VV

Seal: same overall pattern and colors as sable, but much darker, to th point it almost looks black. Eyes are brown. Genetic code: aaB?cchlcchlD?E?VV

Smoke Pearl: gaurd hairs over back and normal furred areas should be a dark smoky blue. Wool on head, ears, feed, top of tail, and back is a medium smokey blue, shading to a lighter shade on chest, flanks, and belly. Eyes to be blue gray. Genetic code: aaB?cchl?ddE?VV

Tortoiseshell: Mask, ears, feet, and tail are to be brownish black or dark smoke. Wool is to be a dark fawn over the back, shading to smokey color on flanks, haunches, and belly. Eyes to be brown. Genetic Code: aaB?C?D?eeVV

Blue Tortoiseshell: Mask, ears, feet, and tail are to be blue. Wool is to be a beige or almond color over the back, shading to blue on flanks, haunches, and belly. Eyes to be blue gray. Genetic Code: aaB?C?ddeeVV

Chocolate Tortoiseshell: Mask, ears, feet, and tail are to be chocolate. Wool is to be a fawn over the back, shading to chocolate on flanks, haunches, and belly. Eyes to be brown. Genetic Code: aabbC?D?eeVV

Lilac Tortoiseshell: Mask, ears, feet, and tail are to be lilac. Wool is to be a beige or almond color over the back, shading to lilac on flanks, haunches, and belly. Eyes to be blue gray. Genetic Code: aabbC?ddeeVV


Blue Steel: Overall color is blue, lightly ticked with tan or silver. Underside of tail may be slightly lighter. Eyes are blue gray. Genetic code: aaB?C?ddEs?VV

Chocolate Steel: Overall color is chocolate, lightly ticked with tan or silver. Underside of tail may be slightly lighter. Eyes are Brown. Genetic code: aabbC?D?Es?VV

Lilac Steel: Overall color is lilac, lightly ticked with tan or silver. Underside of tail may be slightly lighter. Eyes are blue gray. Genetic code: aabbC?ddEs?VV

Steel: Overall color is a dark charcoal or steel grey, lightly ticked with tan or silver. Underside of tail may be slightly lighter. Eyes are Brown. Genetic code: aaB?C?D?Es?VV

Wide Band

Cream: beige to almond dorsal color. White eye circles, inside of ears, nostrils, underside of jowls, belly, and underside of tail. white undercolor is aloud and they may have lap spots. Eyes are blue-gray. 

Fawn: clean golden dorsal color. White eye circles, inside of ears, nostrils, underside of jowls, belly, and underside of tail. white undercolor is aloud and they may have lap spots. Eyes are brown. A?B?C?ddeeVV

Red: deep reddish sorral dorsal color. White eye circles, inside of ears, nostrils, underside of jowls, belly, and underside of tail. white undercolor is aloud and they may have lap spots. Eyes are Brown.

Non - Stanard Colors

Non-standard eye colors

There are a few eye colors that can happen when breeding non-standard colors. 

Violet eyes are a light, slight purple color, with a dark, redish tinted pupil.

Amber eyes are a light brown to almost orange color, with black pupils. 

Heterochormia is when one or both eyes have two different eye colors. most often, it is brown and blue or blue/grey. It can come in multiple different forms. Complete heterochormia is when one eye is one color, and the other eye is another. Split heterochormia is when one or both eyes have a line splitting the two eyes in half, with one half being brown, and the other half being the second color. Sectoral Heterochromia, sometimes called marbled, is when a random section of the eye is a different color from the rest. It can be as small as a sliver of blue in a brown eye, or multiple sections in the same eye. 


Broken is a Pattern, not a color. Any color can be broken, but in order to produce a broken, one parent MUST be broken as well. The white colors can hide a broken pattern as well. 

The broken pattern creates a spotted look. Brokens can be either a spotted pattern, where there are clear, defined, smaller spots, or blanket pattern, where the color is more solid patches. The broken rabbits should have a white base, with color covering the ears, eye circles, and nose patch along with the body markings across the back, sides, and hips. 

Booted brokens have more than 75% color on htem, often leaving just a bit of white on the belly, feet, and face. 

Charlies are created when crossing a broken to a broken. A true Charlie carries two broken genes, and therefor will always produce broken rabbits, no matter what it is bred to. Charlies have way less color on them than a typical broken, with less than 10% of their bodies having color. Often times they only have eye circles, ear markings, and a small amount of color along the spine. 

A broken Harliquin is called a Tri-color

Grenetic Code: ????????En???

Vienna Marked

Vienna marked rabbits are rabbits with one copy of the Vienna gene. These rabbits can be any color, can have blue, brown, blue-gray, marbled, or heterochromatic eyes. They have white markings, ranging from a small spot on the nose to covering most of the body. Markings usually mimic the dutch pattern, where toes, face, chest, and sholders often have white markings. Vienna marked rabbits are the result of breeding a blue eye white to another color. Rabbits can carry the Vienna gene but have now visible markings. These are called vienna carriers. You can also get Vienna marked rabbits from breeding VM to VM, BEW to VM, VC to VC, VM to VC, or BEW to VC. Vienna marked rabbits are undesireable in show breeders bloodlines, but are one of the most popular choices for pets, and are part of breeding blue eye whites. I love the three colors of Vienna marked harlequins for the fiber, as it creates a nice multicolor affect in yarn. Genetic code: ??????????Vv


Harlequins and Magpies are once again a pattern, more than a color. The markings create thick bands or bars of color across an orange, fawn, or white base. Often markings on harlequins are split along the center line, running from the nose to the tail. Most other colors can be harliquinized, so you can have a combination of a shaded, abouti, or wide band color and harlequin/magpie. 

Harlequin: Bands of black and golden orange, with brown eyes Genetic code: aaB?C?D?ejejVV

Blue Harlequin: Bands of blue and fawn, with blue-gray eyes Genetic code: aaB?C?ddejejVV

Chocolate Harlequin: Bands of chocolate and golden orange, with brown eyes Genetic code: aabbC?D?ejejVV

Lilac Harlequin: Bands of lilac and fawn, with blue-gray eyes Genetic code: aabbC?ddejejVV

Magpie: Bands of rich black and white, with brown eyes Genetic code: aaB?cchd?D?ejejVV

Blue Magpie: Bands of blue and white, with blue-gray eyes Genetic code: aaB?cchd?ddejejVV

Chocoalte Magpie: Bands of chocolate and white, with brown eyes Genetic code: aabbcchd?D?ejejVV

Lilac Magpie: Bands of lilac and white, with blue-gray eyes Genetic code: aabbcchd?ddejejVV


Tans are all patterns with a specific set of base colors and markings, just like any other pattern. Otter, Tan, and Silver Marten, all come in all four base colors. Eye color should correspond to the surface color. As with most colors and patterns in angoras, the wool will dilute the color and break up the pattern a bit as it grows. Because of this, it is easiest to identify the color pattern for Tans in rabbits as babies, with the pattern being the most obvious around six weeks old

Otter: Otter rabbits have the self base color on the surface of the head, outside of the ears, front of fore feet, outside of hind feet, along the tops and sides. Black and chocoalte have orange ticking, blue and lilac will have fawn ticking. The ticking should be evenly distributed along the chest, sides, and lower hind quarters. The nostrils, eye circles, jowls, inside of ears, back of fore feet, inside of hind feet and legs, belly, and underside of the tail are to be a creamy white color highlighted by orange or fawn. undercolor of the belly is slate blue. The triangle and collar are to be orange or fawn. 

Genetic code: Black:aT?B?C?D?E?VV  Blue: aT?B?C?ddE?VV  Chocolate: aT?bbC?D?E?VV  Lilac: aT?bbC?ddE?VV

Tan: Tan rabbits have one of the self colors on the head, outside of ears, front of fore feet, outside of hind feet, along the tops and sides. The nostrils, eye circles, jowls, inside of ears, triangle behind ears, back of fore feet, inside of hind feet and legs, chest, belly, and underside of the tail are to be a rich red color. 

Genetic code: Black: aT?B?CCD?E?VV  Chocolate:aT?bbCCD?E?VV  Blue:aT?B?CCddE?VV  Lilac:aT?bbCCddE?VV

Silver Marten: Silver Marten rabbits have the self base color on the surface of the head, outside of the ears, front of fore feet, outside of hind feet, along the tops and sides. They should have white ticking should be evenly distributed along the chest, sides, and lower hind quarters. The nostrils, eye circles, jowls, inside of ears, back of fore feet, inside of hind feet and legs, belly, triangle, collar, and underside of the tail are to be a silver white color. 

Genetic code: Black: aT?B?cchd?D?E?VV  Blue:aT?B?cchd?ddE?VV  Chocolate: aT?bbcchd?D?E?VV  Lilac: aT?bbcchd?ddE?VV

As a side note on Martens, Sable Marten and Smoke Pearl Marten are also possible colors, having the base as Sable or Smoke Pearl rather than a self color with the same white markings as the Silver Marten.