Safe Treats

Rememeber to feed treats sparingly. Angoras should not have more than a cup of fruits and Veggies a day. And you should always introduce new foods slowly. These lists are a good starting point when feeding your rabbits fresh foods. That said, it does not include everything that is safe or toxic world wide. I always go by the motto "better safe than sorry" when feeding rabbits. 

Leafy Greens should make up about 75% of the fresh portion of your rabbit’s diet (about 1 packed cup per 2 lbs of body weight per day).

Leafy Greens I: These are High in Oxalic acid and should be rotated and make up no more than 1/3 the daily leafy greens

Leafy Greens II: These plants are low in oxalic acid

NON-LEAFY VEGETABLES: These should make up no more than 15% of the daily fresh foods. 

FRUITS: These should make up no more than 10% of the daily fresh foods. 

Toxic Foods/Treats

Here is a list of common household foods/woods that are toxic to rabbits and should be avoided. This is not a complete list, but it is a good starting point.